
Our Doorbell services include:
  • Install new door bell systems and or add additional chimes to a system
  • Repair and replacement of all components of a door bell system, including doorbell buttons, doorbell chimes, doorbell transformers & doorbell wiring
  • Wireless doorbell systems

We use the following manufacturers of doorbell systems:

Doorbells also known as door chimes alert someone within the house that someone is at the door. A doorbell system consists of the following parts: Button at the door, bell in the house, transformer that reduces 120 volts to 10 or 16 volts to power the system and the low voltage bell wire between these three items. If a button is stuck due to paint, corrosion etc. it can burn the door bell transformer out. This would require replacing the doorbell transformer. A doorbell “chime” can also fail requiring the replacement of the doorbell chime. Most often a button goes bad which requires replacement. If low voltage bell wiring is broken or cut in a wall or in the attic and cannot be found easily an option to rewiring is installing a wireless door bell system.

“Electrician San Diego” are your San Diego experts at troubleshooting doorbell problems. Call us and we will have a fast solution for you.